I am Kush Panthi
From Butwal, Nepal

About me

Namaste, I am Kush panthi from Butwal Nepal. I have done a lot of projects related to robotics along with my brother Lov Panthi. We made First Robot in Nepal that can speak in Nepali Language.


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How are we had inspired to made robots?

We were inspired to make robots from the 'Robot' movie. While we had to study in grade 2, we watched a lot of action movies but this movie asked a lot of questions like Is a robot real? Is it possible to make a robot like a human? and many more. We also had asked a question for our teacher and they said "It is not real, It's just a movie". A few years later, we heard the news about the Shopia robot which gave us the belief that humans can make robots. Even then, a question arose in our minds, why not try to make a robot?. That question gave us dream. Now our journey starts with a small question taking by small step but hoping for a big dream to solve that question. Eventually we made robots but no like that robot movie. In Robot making process We have learned many things and I think robotics is my lifelong continues journey.

GO-GO Robot


Scientific Innovation Award handed over by Minister of Industry tourism, Forest and Environment Lila Giri.
Letter of honour handed over by Former Deputy Prime Minister Top Bhadur Rayamajhi From Rotaract Club.
Letter of honour handed over from Former Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal.
Handed over from Minister of Industry tourism, Forest and Environment Lila Giri.
Testimonial handed over from Minister of Social Development Sudarshan Baral.
Honoured from Federation Of Computer Association Nepal.
Honoured by Nabin Audhyogic Kadar Bahadur Rita Secondary School.
Honoured by Tilotamma Campus.
ICT Award 2020 handed over by Minister of Communication and IT Prabat Gurung.


Let's get in touch


Yogikuti Chowk



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